Hello, I have written code for inserting closing pairs for ( and ". Something similar can be added to slime if it is not already there in the cvs version. One drawback of this code is that unlike in eclipse if the user also types a closing pair, the auto-inserted closing pair is not removed. And i am not able to figure out how to stop skeleton-insert from pushing everything at the end of current point of insertion by one line. (defun self-insert-pair() "Insert characters (,\" and their closing pair, and then put the cursor in the middle position." (interactive) (setq skeleton-pair t) (let ((char last-command-char)) (case char (?\( (skeleton-insert '(nil "(" > _ ")"))) (?\" (skeleton-pair-insert-maybe nil))))) (local-set-key [\(] 'self-insert-pair) (local-set-key [\"] 'self-insert-pair) -- Surendra Singhi www.public.asu.edu/~sksinghi/ "O thou my friend! The prosperity of Crime is like unto the lightning, whose traitorous brilliancies embellish the atmosphere but for an instant, in order to hurl into death's very depths the luckless one they have dazzled." -- Marquis de Sade