Gabor Melis <mega@hotpop.com> writes:
After running it slime-space no longer shows the arglist. This is slime HEAD.
STARTUP-IDLE-AND-TOP-LEVEL-LOOPS is returns. The calling thread becomes the idle-loop, a new thread is created and a new read-eval-print loop is executed in the new thread. For SLIME this looks like a RPC is still in progress and SLIME disables slime-space when there are pending requests. This is done to not disturb Lisp (might be problematic when SIGIO is used). slime-space is also disabled during debugging for the same reason. All this should only happen when you call STARTUP-IDLE-AND-TOP-LEVEL-LOOPS from the SLIME REPL. If you call it in the *inferior-lisp* buffer, everything should work as usual. Alternatively you can call `M-x slime-reset' and SLIME discards all pending requests (and re-enables slime-space).
Tried it under sbcl-mt. Naturally, since init-aserve-cmu need not be run, everything works fine. I may even use it but compilation notes do not work and I'd miss them very much.
Thanks for mentioning this. I was under the impression that compilation notes work for SBCL. I think I can fix that. Helmut.