Given some more time, I'll start clisp in a console window, connect via socket and see if/how ^C gets propagated.
I now started clisp in a separate console window on MS-Windows-2k used M-x slime-connect. Slime does not know how to interrupt CLISP. (signal-process (clisp's PID) 'SIGINT) does not work -- as expected. (signa-process (get-buffer-process ...)) does not work either, because although Emacs' socket-connection is mapped to a process object, signaling it does not work -- (process-id) returns nil, not an integer. Then I hit ^C in the console window. To my surprise, I got the REPL in that window. I had expected the slime debug driver to be active, and to send the break interaction to the Emacs slime debugger?!? [8]> (swank:create-server) ;; Swank started at port: 4005. ;; Connection to Emacs lost. ;; [ READ-CHAR: Ctrl-C: User break ] 4005 [9]> OTOH, entering (break) in the slime REPL popped up the SLIME debugger. Obviously, there are real differences in behaviour between Linux and MS-Windows here. Regards, Jorg Hohle.