Howdy! I've started hacking on a SLIME frontend ("backend") for McCLIM. It's super early days but there's a WITH-OUTPUT-TO-EMACS macro that lets you use CLIM drawing commands and have the final result rendered as an inline image in the SLIME REPL. There's lots to add e.g. a way to choose a CLIM command to execute and a way to click on presentations to select them as arguments. If anyone wants to help that would be most welcome! The problem this solves is being able to write and debug CLIM code from the comfort of Emacs. It should also be suitable for writing user interfaces that don't need really fast response times (I'm planning to use it for a CAD drawing application in the style of KiCad.) The backend is based on SVG under the hood so in principle it could be made browser-friendly too. Anyway! Initial demo screenshot attached & linked: https://imgur.com/a/4MdaXTb McCLIM code @ https://github.com/nuddyco/mcclim branch clime SLIME code @ https://github.com/nuddyco/slime branch clime The McCLIM code currently fails to build just because it doesn't find my ASD file. I've no idea what's wrong but it's probably something "obvious." Cheers! -Luke