There is some problem with buffer cleanup when lisp connection is broken. Here's a minimal example.
1. Run your lisp remotely and start swank server 2. Connect w/ Emacs 3. Run remotely: pkill -9 <your favorite lisp> # the lisp dies 'orrible death 4. Restart lisp 5. Reconnect w/ Emacs
Following messages get logged when you try to clean buffer (C-c M-o):
error in process filter: slime-dispatch-event: Invalid rpc: Thread not found: :REPL-THREAD error in process filter: Invalid rpc: Thread not found: :REPL-THREAD error in process filter: slime-dispatch-event: Invalid rpc: Thread not found: :REPL-THREAD error in process filter: Invalid rpc: Thread not found: :REPL-THREAD Connected. Lemonodor-fame is but a hack away! error in process filter: slime-dispatch-event: Invalid protocol message error in process filter: Invalid protocol message
And a slime error too:
Invalid protocol message: Symbol "CLEAR-REPL-RESULTS" not found in the SWANK package. [file position = 37]
"(:emacs-rex (swank:clear-repl-results) "USER" :repl-thread 7) "
Thanks!, /S