Hi, I'm not sure if my mail about this will reach the list so I post it here via Gmane. I will confirm this with the other listed author, Chris Double. From: Luke Gorrie <lgorrie@common-lisp.net> Subject: Re: nregex To: "Lawrence E. Freil" <lef@freil.com> Cc: slime-devel@common-lisp.net Date: 31 Aug 2005 13:59:29 +0200 Hi Lawrence! Thanks for your help! I think that Debian require an explicit into-public-domain'ing rather than absense of copyright statement but I interpret your mail as such an into'ing :-). Of course we'll keep the proper attribution in the code. I Cc: this good news to the slime-devel mailing list where our legal department can see it :-) "Lawrence E. Freil" <lef@freil.com> writes:
As it turns out you have the correct person. I'm just glanced back at my origonal postings and I apparently didn't include any copyright statement so as you have it, it is already public domain! :-) All I ask (and it is only a request) that you keep my name in the source, however my current email address would now be lef@freil.com instead of lef@nscf.org. I also have some modifications by Thomas A Russ (tar@isi.edu) which I can send along if you are interested. He has added some case insensitive selections and corrected a problem or two.
Hi there!
Are you the same Lawrence E. Freil who wrote nregex.lisp in the distant past? If so would you consider dedicating it to the public domain or some Debian-approved license so that our program (an Emacs mode called SLIME, http://www.common-lisp.net/project/slime/) which bundles nregex.lisp can comply with Debian's requirements?
I know that licensing is very boring but it would be much appreciated!
Apologies if you are entirely another Lawrence E. Friel :-)
Cheers, Luke
-- Lawrence Freil Email:lef@freil.com 1768 Old Country Place Phone:(770) 667-9274 Woodstock, GA 30188