You can run Emacs in xterm.

On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 2:00 PM KIRIYAMA Kazuhiko <> wrote:
At Wed, 20 Mar 2019 12:03:16 +0300,
Stas Boukarev wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Mar 2019 at 08:28 KIRIYAMA Kazuhiko <[[]]> wrote:
>           At Wed, 20 Mar 2019 02:03:52 +0300,
>      Stas Boukarev wrote:
>      >
>      > The old Slime is unlikely to work with modern implementations.
>      >
>      OK, I gave up in use on xemacs, but at least on xterm
>      terminal. Does slime work on terminal with functions at
>      least history or completion ?
> Slime works fine in the terminal mode of Emacs.

But it runs in Emacs not in xterm ?

>           > On Wed, 20 Mar 2019 at 02:00 KIRIYAMA Kazuhiko <[[[[]]]]> wrote:
>      >
>      >
>      >           Hi list,
>      >     
>      >      I'm still using XEmacs because many additional non-official
>      >      packages that I made were installed. Now I'm makeing slime
>      >      package but failed compiling on lib/ert-x.el (full log in [1]):
>      >     
>      >      Loading /usr/local/lib/xemacs-21.4.24/lisp/auto-autoloads...
>      >      Loading /home/kiri/projects/xemacs/packages/xemacs-packages/xemacs-devel/auto-autoloads...
>      >      Loading /home/kiri/projects/xemacs/packages/xemacs-packages/xetla/auto-autoloads...
>      >      Loading /home/kiri/projects/xemacs/packages/xemacs-packages/xemacs-base/auto-autoloads...
>      >      Loading /home/kiri/projects/xemacs/packages/xemacs-packages/fsf-compat/auto-autoloads...
>      >      Compiling /home/kiri/projects/xemacs/packages/xemacs-packages/slime/slime/lib/ert-x.el...
>      >      While compiling toplevel forms in file
>      >      /home/kiri/projects/xemacs/packages/xemacs-packages/slime/slime/lib/ert-x.el:
>      >        !! error (("Required feature help was not provided")) 
>      >      backtrace(nil t)
>      >        # bind (error-info)
>      >        byte-compile-report-error((error "Required feature help was not provided"))
>      >        # bind (error-info)
>      >        #<compiled-function (error-info) "...(4)" [error-info byte-compile-report-error] 2>((error "Required
>      feature
>      >      help was not provided"))
>      >        # (unwind-protect ...)
>      >     
>      >      I know that slime does not work on XEmacs stable
>      >      version. What I want to know is which slime version could be
>      >      run on xemacs-21.4.24. My compiling environments are as
>      >      follows:
>      >     
>      >      kiri@smtp:~[1002]% uname -a
>      >      FreeBSD smtp 13.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT #0 r339677M: Fri Oct 26 14:56:49 JST 2018   
>      >       root@msrvkx:/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/sys/XIJ  amd64
>      >      kiri@smtp:~[1003]% xemacs --version
>      >      XEmacs 21.4 (patch 24) "Standard C" [Lucid] (amd64--freebsd, Mule) of Fri Nov 30 2018 on jdtpkx
>      >      kiri@smtp:~[1004]% git --git-dir=.git --work-tree=. -C
>      ~/projects/xemacs/packages/xemacs-packages/slime/slime
>      >      -C . status -sb
>      >      ## master...origin/master
>      >       D contrib/
>      >       D doc/slime-refcard.pdf
>      >      ?? _pkg.el
>      >      ?? auto-autoloads.el
>      >      ?? contrib/[[[[]]]]
>      >      ?? custom-load.el
>      >      kiri@smtp:~[1005]%
>      >     
>      >      Best Regards
>      >     
>      >      [1] [[[[]]]]
>      >     
>      >      ---
>      >      KIRIYAMA Kazuhiko
>      >     
>      >     
>      >
>      >
>      ---
>      KIRIYAMA Kazuhiko