Hi, I was wondering lately why slime/sbcl did not want to compile swank-sbcl.lisp. When I tried it, I got the backtrace available at <URL:http://shell.iddqd.org:8081/paste/display/103>. As you can see, somehow sbcl fails to find the appropriate method for slime-output-stream-buffer. I can trigger this by executing C-c : (defclass slime-output-stream (sb-gray:fundamental-character-output-stream) ((buffer :initform (make-string-output-stream :element-type 'character) :accessor slime-output-stream-buffer))) RET (i.e. a complete 1:1 redefinition of the slime-output-stream class and the slime-output-stream-buffer GF) I'm not sure which is to blame: me, sbcl or swank. It also seems like I'm the only person for whom this is failing. On my machine, I can reproduce this with a clean slime, fresh sbcl (no .sbclrc), while running emacs -q; so it must be my karma or something (-: Thanks, -- Andreas Fuchs, <asf@acm.org>, asf@jabber.at, antifuchs