I am using the latest version of slime from cvs. I noticed that macros such as iter (from the iterate package) indents differently now than sometime in the past. Current indentation: (iter (for i below 3) (collect i)) Old indentation: (iter (for i below 3) (collect i)) ; "collect" is lined up with "for" An example with a macro from the clsql package: Current indentation: (clsql:with-default-database (db) (progn)) Old indentation: (clsql:with-default-database (db) (progn)) ; &body is indented 2 spaces How do I configure slime to indent with the older styles? My .emacs has: (slime-setup '(slime-fancy slime-asdf slime-sprof slime-compiler-notes-tree slime-hyperdoc slime-mdot-fu slime-mrepl slime-indentation slime-repl)) --