At least in my version of lispworks 4.2, the *feature* contains :LISPWORKS4.2, but no :LISPWORKS-4.2. This breaks the test for LW 4.3 or above in slime-lispworks.lisp. The following simple patch agains CVS HEAD fixes it for me. I've left the existing symbols in place in case this is something that changes with patchlevel or something, and included LISPWORKS4.1 for completeness. =================================================================== RCS file: /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank-lispworks.lisp,v retrieving revision 1.50 diff -u -b -r1.50 swank-lispworks.lisp --- swank-lispworks.lisp 1 Jul 2004 06:33:18 -0000 1.50 +++ swank-lispworks.lisp 2 Jul 2004 07:59:18 -0000 @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ (*readtable* ,readtable)) ,@body))))) -#-(or lispworks-4.1 lispworks-4.2) ; no dspec:parse-form-dspec prior to 4.3 +#-(or lispworks-4.1 lispworks-4.2 lispworks4.1 lispworks4.2) ; no dspec:parse-form-dspec prior to 4.3 (defun dspec-stream-position (stream dspec) (with-fairly-standard-io-syntax (loop (let* ((pos (file-position stream)) ...Peder... -- Sløv uten dop.