Thank you for your reply.

I had not thought to check for any environment differences because
both evaluations were done using Slime from a single Emacs buffer
using C-x C-e (bound to `slime-eval-last-expression') and C-c C-p
(bound to `slime-pprint-eval-last-expression'). Evaluation of
*PRINT-CIRCLE* from the same buffer yields NIL. The following
expression has the same problem:

(let ((*print-circle* nil))
(loop :for n :in '(a b c) :collect `(,n (gensym))))

C-x C-e yields:
=> ((A (GENSYM)) (B (GENSYM)) (C (GENSYM)))

C-c C-p yields:
=> ((A . #1=((GENSYM))) (B . #1#) (C . #1#))
in a *slime-description* buffer.

Are you unable to reproduce these results?

Is there some other factor to consider or check for?
On Saturday, July 27, 2024 at 02:58:22 AM EDT, Marco Antoniotti <> wrote:


check the *PRINT-CIRCLE* in both cases.  I bet it is set differently.


On Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 8:41 PM Mark Harig <> wrote:
Slime Developers,

The following was produced using SBCL version 2.3.11,
slime-version "2.30", and Emacs version 29.4.  (My copy of slime
was installed using the ‘list-packages’ command in Emacs.)

For the following ‘loop’ expression, the function
‘slime-eval-last-expression’ returns the correct result:

(loop :for n :in '(a b c) :collect `(,n (gensym)))
=> ((A (GENSYM)) (B (GENSYM)) (C (GENSYM)))

But the function ‘slime-pprint-eval-last-expression’ does not
return the correct result.  Instead, it returns:

(loop :for n :in '(a b c) :collect `(,n (gensym)))
=> ((A . #1=((GENSYM))) (B . #1#) (C . #1#))

in the *slime-description* buffer.  Is this a known error, that
is, is it an acceptable result?

Please let me know if there is any other information you
need to reproduce or diagnose this potential error.

Thank you.


Marco Antoniotti, Professor                   tel. +39 - 02 64 48 79 01
DISCo, University of Milan-Bicocca U14 2043
Viale Sarca 336
I-20126 Milan (MI) ITALY