Jeffrey Cunningham <jeffrey@cunningham.net> writes:
Not at all. You see I've got a slight problem. My C-h key was bound to backspace on the emacs system I learned on years ago, so I never learned the above key-bindings.
Yeah this is a problem actually -- all right-thinking people have C-h meaning backspace, including in isearch: (global-set-key "\C-h" 'backward-delete-char-untabify) (define-key isearch-mode-map "\C-h" 'isearch-delete-char)) but then we have to find a new binding for `help-command' like: (global-set-key "\C-ch" 'help) or keep on typing `M-x help' so even though I write `C-h' as a canonical key in email I would never type this myself except to delete a character. :-) -Luke (who ust migrated `help' from Hyper-h after switching from X11 to hyperless terminal Emacs..)