On Fri, Oct 20, 2006 at 04:41:05PM +0200, Attila Lendvai wrote:
you need to press at least one TAB to activate it. so it's "(mvb" TAB SPACE
I forgot to mention I was hitting my fuzzy-completion key in there (instead of tab). I have C-c C-i bound to slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol. So I type (with in-place enabled): ( m v b C-c C-i Space and get nothing. But: ( m v b C-c C-i ) gets me "(multiple-value-bind)". I guess I'd like to know the behavior that's expected with in-place t, so I don't break anything. :)
It it's still bugging me after you're done I'll find a way to hack the old UI back in as an option.
hm, i can't really remember the old behaviour but afair the new one only adds extra features when slime-fuzzy-completion-in-place is nil. my memory may trick me, though, because we use it for several months now. in either case our intention was to extend it, not to reform it, so feel free to restore any behaviour you are missing.
Okay, I'll do so. A short list is: * Target buffer is put into target-buffer-mode even when in-place is nil. * Target buffer no longer "live-updates" the completion when in-place is nil. * Hitting RET in the completion buffer inserts a RET into the target buffer when in-place is nil. (And SPACE inserts a space instead of paging down as per the usual emacs read-only buffer behavior - I may keep this, though...) -bcd