,--- You/Raymond (Thu, 15 Apr 2010 10:22:25 -0400) ----* | I think I found one problem. In slime-init-popup-buffer in slime.el, | there's a reference to minor-mode-list. This doesn't exist in xemacs; | it's called minor-mode-alist. Perhaps that's a typo? In GNU Emacs (23.1) these are two distinct variables (and note that one is a "list", the other "alist"): ============================================================ minor-mode-list is a variable defined in `subr.el'. Its value is (... display-time-mode show-paren-mode ... ) Documentation: List of all minor mode functions. ======================================== minor-mode-alist is a variable defined in `bindings.el'. Documentation: Alist saying how to show minor modes in the mode line. Each element looks like (VARIABLE STRING); STRING is included in the mode line if VARIABLE's value is non-nil. Actually, STRING need not be a string; any possible mode-line element is okay. See `mode-line-format'. Value: (... (compilation-minor-mode " Compilation") (compilation-shell-minor-mode " Shell-Compile") (isearch-mode isearch-mode)) ============================================================ -- Alex -- alex-goncharov@comcast.net --