Dirk Gerrits <dirk@dirkgerrits.com> writes:
Something like this?
#+:sb-thread (when (find-package :swank-loader) (setf (sb-thread::symbol-value-in-thread *read-default-float-format* (the-right-thread)) 'long-float))
Sounds reasonable, but I haven't found the right thread yet. Any SLIME developers who can help?
The thread tree looks like this: inferior-lisp (== SBCL REPL) \_ socket server [usually dead] \_ reader thread \_ repl thread \_ control thread \_ worker thread1 \_ worker thread2 ... REPL command are executed by the repl thread. For the other request, a new worker thread is created by the control thread. So, the-right-thread(s) are probably the control thread and the repl thread. sb-thread::symbol-value-in-thread doesn't appear to be setf-able here, but (sb-thread:interrupt-thread (swank::connection.control-thread swank::*emacs-connection*) (lambda () (setq *read-default-float-format* 'long-float))) seems to work. The issue came up before but I still don't know what the proper fix is. SBCL is the only Lisp with the inherit-dynamic-variables-in-new-threads semantics. Implementing non-inheriting seems to be difficult in SBCL and implementing inheriting is difficult in the other Lisps. We could probably offer something like swank:setq-default to set initial values in the worker threads. Other ideas? Helmut.