marco <mb@bese.it> writes:
all of this started out with the following goal:
it should be _easy_ to ask a live lisp image what's in it, it should be _easy_ to access the associated doc strings and inspect associated "things" like the slots of a class or the symbols in a package. developers should have the option of telling users to inspect the various functions and symbols in a library instead of having to produce api documentation in another form (though that's never a bad idea).
the attached patch changes, rather radically, the inspector. the lisp side now deals with formatting and can create "buttons" (certain pieces of text which when clicked call a lambda). this is used to, among other things, implement a simple method deleter.
- figure out how to distinguish between a defvar/defparameter and defcontstant symbol.
How about CONSTANTP? -Peter -- Peter Seibel peter@javamonkey.com Lisp is the red pill. -- John Fraser, comp.lang.lisp