On 11/11/05, Nicolas Neuss <Nicolas.Neuss@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de> wrote:
first let me say thank you for incorporating SLIME into Debian. That version of SLIME also works fine with CMUCL. However, I have problems with making it work with SBCL from Debian. I get the messages:
Connecting to Swank on port 33826.. Process bridge is installed Lisp connection closed unexpectedly: exited abnormally with code 256
I also have tried it with the CVS version of SLIME, with the same result. Does it work for others? Do I have to compile SBCL from CVS?
I'm having no problem with the version of SLIME in Debian testing a few weeks ago (not sure if the version mentioned has transitioned in from Debian unstable). I didn't have much initially luck with the forking of SLIME and cl-swank into separate pieces, but the september packaging (all in one) works for me. (by "not working", I didn't figure out at that point how to get clisp and cmucl working, just sbcl -- I've done so since, but not had time to upgrade and test out of a working system!) best, -tony blindglobe@gmail.com Muttenz, Switzerland. "Commit early,commit often, and commit in a repository from which we can easily roll-back your mistakes" (AJR, 4Jan05).