case <tbcode@yahoo.com> writes:
I try to install slime (HEAD at Thu Jun 24 12:26:02 MDT 2004) on my SGI box. I am running cmucl 18e (see the log below) and it complains about a binding to port 0. As far as I know, the problem comes from swank.lisp where we read:
(defun start-server (port-file &optional (style *communication-style*) dont-close) (setup-server 0 (lambda (port) (announce-server-port port-file port)) style dont-close))
\!/ Notice the (setup-server 0 ... \!/
(defun setup-server (port announce-fn style dont-close) (declare (type function announce-fn)) (let* ((socket (create-socket *loopback-interface* port)) (port (local-port socket)))
\!/ Notice the 'port' use on the first ligne of the let* which here is 0.\!/
Giving zero for the port is intended to mean "use any available port." I thought that was POSIX or the like but maybe it's not portable. As a temporary workaround I suggest changing '0' to 'default-server-port'. The downside is that if you try to start a second SLIME on the same machine with `C-u M-x slime' then it won't be able to bind the listen socket. See also the thread started by Stefan Reichör just a now about a similar issue with CMUCL on FreeBSD. -Luke