On Fri, Dec 12, 2003 at 07:18:50PM +0100, Luke Gorrie wrote:
It would be great if the folks already using SLIME with multithreaded programs can post a note about what features you want the most (if you haven't already), and which Lisp you're using.
(This is more of a general debugging thing, with SBCL/CMUCL) Is there a way to, once you're in the SLIME debugger, to throw out to the tty-mode debugger? Sometimes I'm stuck wanting to do something that sldb cannot (like list-locations, setting breakpoints, etc.), and there's no way to get there and save the debugger state. You have to abort completely and get the debugger to show up again in *inferior-lisp*. If threads are going to automatically trigger sldb, this is a bigger problem as even that escape hatch is gone. (wishful-thinking "Of course, raising SLIME's debugging integration to the level of one of the commercial lisps (I've used Xanlysis's debugger, and think it's great) would be an acceptible substitute. Setting breakpoints in the source would be far, far cooler than supporting list-locations. :)") -bcd