On Tue, Aug 18 2015, Helmut Eller wrote:
On Tue, Aug 18 2015, Peter Münster wrote:
1. start the Lisp process with M-x slime.
2. load the source file into the Lisp process with slime-load-file or a similar command.
I open the file with C-x C-f (buffer is in slime-mode then). With slime-load-file, the file would be executed and that should be avoided. Is it possible, that slime-load-file wasn't needed about one year ago? Nevertheless, thanks for you answer. I'll use this workaround now: 1.) open the lisp-file 2.) remove first line (#!/usr/bin/sbcl --script) 3.) remove last lines (execution of functions) 4.) slime-load-file the lisp-file 5.) undo 2.) and 3.) But whenever I add functions to the script, I have to repeat 2.) to 5.), that's not very comfortable. Or perhaps I should switch to gtags... Thanks for your efforts, -- Peter