Your slime installation is broken / is in multiple places. On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 1:21 PM Jim Newton <jimka.issy@gmail.com> wrote:
Since upgrading to emacs 26.1 (because emacs 25 has problems with pegging the cpu on mac), I get some weird problems with slime. Is anyone else using slime with emacs 26.1?
Here is an example problem I have.
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function slime-changelog-date) slime-changelog-date() slime-startup-message() slime-repl-update-banner() slime-init-output-buffer(#<process SLIME Lisp>) slime-repl-connected-hook-function() run-hooks(slime-connected-hook) slime-set-connection-info( ... stuff deleted ....)
But when I look in the function slime-startup-message, there is no mention of slime-changelog-date.
(defun slime-startup-message () (when slime-header-line-p (setq header-line-format (format "%s Port: %s Pid: %s" (slime-lisp-implementation-type) (slime-connection-port (slime-connection)) (slime-pid)))) (when (zerop (buffer-size)) (let ((welcome (concat "; SLIME " slime-version))) (if slime-startup-animation (animate-string welcome 0 0) (insert welcome)))))