On Fri, Jul 06, 2007 at 01:06:34PM +0200, Helmut Eller wrote:
* Tamas K Papp [2007-07-05 16:11+0200] writes:
I have tried the June 20th slime tarball and the error is still here, I attached the backtrace and *slime-events*.
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-number-of-arguments (lambda (f startval l) "reduce the list l by the binary function f. Use start value startval (cf MacLennnan p. 396)" (cond ((null l) startval) (t (apply f (list (car l) (reduce f startval (cdr l))))))) 4) reduce(slime-most-severe ((:message "--> PROGN EVAL-WHEN \n==>\n
Apparently you have redefined the function reduce (in Emacs). Give your version a different name, like my-reduce, to avoid the name clash. You can type C-h f reduce RET and Emacs will probably show (among other things) the filename where it is defined.
Hi Helmut, I found that reduce was redefined in LAML (Scheme-based HTML generating tool), commenting it out solved the problem. Thanks, Tamas