On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 6:32 AM, Tobias C. Rittweiler <tcr@freebits.de> wrote:
Irène Durand <idurand@labri.fr> writes:
In SLIME, I was used to use the key C-c-C-u which was bound to the command slime-repl-kill-input Perhaps there's even a standard Emacs key binding which is equivalent to
(kill-region (point) (point-max))
So you can use C-M-a to jump to the start of the REPL, and then issue that keybinding if it exists -- obliterating the need for slime-repl-kill-input.
It would be great to have C-c C-u available for slime-repl-kill-input. It's an important comint.el key binding that many users (including myself) use all the time. We should try to keep the SLIME REPL as close as possible to comint.el behavior. I would think the use of slime-undefine-function is much rarer, so we could move that to a different keybinding. Matthias -- Matthias Koeppe -- http://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~mkoeppe