* Darren Hoo [2009-11-12 09:23+0100] writes: [...]
The version of mit-scheme I used is 7.7.90+20090107-1,which is supposed to work with slime as described in swank-mit-scheme.scm.I can verify that The file /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/slime/contrib/slime-asdf.el has been successfully loaded
what could possibly be wrong? I'm quite a newbie on scheme. I would appreciated that someone can help me out.
slime-asdf.el loads some stuff into the lisp side after connecting. That doesn't work for mit-scheme. Try to configure slime so that it doesn't load any contribs expect perhaps slime-repl, ie. remove all other arguments from slime-setup in your .emacs. It's currently not possible to load/unload different sets of contribs for different backends. Helmut