Hi, I first thought this was a SBCL issue, but it appears to be SLIME's. Below is the scenario: 1. Run Emacs 2. Run SBCL from Emacs 3. slime-connect to SBCL 4. Open a file in lisp mode 5. In a terminal, run "top -d 1" and make sure you see SBCL and how much virtual memory it is using 6. Write in the file "(defun foo ())" and compile foo by pressing C-c C-c 7. You should notice that top shows a few MBs more virtual memory used by SBCL The virtual memory use does not increase if you type (compile 'foo) in REPL. SBCL man page describes memory overcommitment at startup, but not afterwards. Can you reproduce the above increase? Let me know if you need more information. Thanks, Alex __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 http://mail.yahoo.com