Helu, On Updated from CVS, I noticed that repl history is broken in the following way: Typing M-r REGEXP brings the previous matching history item in the repl. Immediately Typing M-r REGEXP <RET> again does not bring up an earlier history item as expected. Note: the search through history is not complete. Typically the second time I type M-r, I uparrow and modify/refine the REGEXP for searching backwards from the point of the earlier search. So Currently, M-r can be used only to get at the most recent item in history matching REGEXP.and cannot be called successively. (M-r is bound to slime-repl-previous-matching-input) slime-history-repl-map is no longer present. I have not spent the time to understand the new mechanism yet, and thought I'd ask here first How is the new repl history mechanism meant to be used? Perhaps I'm missing something? -- Regards Madhu * "Attila Lendvai" <b54b34af0701160442i2de472a6ja9409129b957e125@XXX> : |> | a recent checkin to cvs eliminated a very useful (ymmv) feature: M-r |> | and M-s behaved just like C-s when it was sequently pressed more then |> | once. |> |> [I haven't updated in a while so I still get this behaviour -- with |> this behaviour, I dont know how to handle this scenario: Type a few |> characters, press M-r a few times getting a few matches, and _then_ |> modify the regexp being searched for, without having to start over] | | an arrow key (in fact any other key then M-r), M-r again (history | position is not reset), M-p for history in the minibuffer and modify | the regexp. not as cool as C-s but good enough without a lot of extra | code.