Stephen I tried what you suggested so now I call it with DONT-CLOSE flag set to true. The problem still remains. Now when I call slime-disconnect and after slime-connect it doesn't work. If I go and see the lisp log after the slime-disconnect I see: DISPATCHING: (:EMACS-REX (SWANK:INTERACTIVE-EVAL "(defun stat (website) \"Get DB page visit statistics for green pixel design\" (with-output-to-string (s) (write-string \"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \\\"-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN\\\"><HTML><HEAD></HEAD><BODY>\" s) (let ((p (run-program \"date\" '(\"+%Y/%m/%d\") :wait t :output :stream)) (date nil)) (setf date (read-line (process-output p) nil nil)) ;;(write-string date s)) (parse-access-file (concatenate 'string \"/WebLogs/\" website \"/\" date \"-access.log\") s)) (alink \"http://www.cliki.net\" \"lisp\") (write-string \"</BODY></HTML>\" s))) ") NIL T 65) DISPATCHING: (:RETURN #<Process Initial {5800364D}> (:OK "=> STAT") 65) WRITE: (:return (:ok "=> STAT") 65) ;; Event history end. ;; Connection to Emacs lost. [ ;; condition: End-of-File on #<Stream for descriptor 20> ;; type: SWANK::SLIME-PROTOCOL-ERROR ;; encoding: :ISO-LATIN-1-UNIX style: :SIGIO dedicated: NIL] Help! 12 nested errors. KERNEL:*MAXIMUM-ERROR-DEPTH* exceeded. Debug (type H for help) (DEBUG::DEBUG-LOOP) %primitive halt called; the party is over. LDB monitor ldb> After that I have no option but restart the lisp (detachtty). Andrei --- Stephen Compall <s11@member.fsf.org> wrote:
On Wed, 2006-03-29 at 15:02 -0800, Andrew Stebakov wrote:
I am connecting to a remote cmucl process using ssh tunelling. When I connect for the first time everything is fine. After I call slime-disconnect and try to connect again the current ssh tunneling process shows: "channel 2: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused".
Did you pass the DONT-CLOSE parameter in some form to the form you started Swank with?
-- Stephen Compall http://scompall.nocandysw.com/blog
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