What kind of expressions it is possible to inspect with the `slime-inspect' command? Suppose I evaluate this in a SLIME repl: (defclass my-class () ((a) (b)) then invoke `slime-inspect' from a Lisp mode buffer with `C-c I' and type: (make-instance 'cl-user::my-class) I get this error: Error in function PCL::FIND-CLASS-FROM-CELL: No class named: COMMON-LISP-USER::MY-CLASS. [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR] Restarts: 0: [ABORT] Abort handling SLIME request. 1: [ABORT] Return to Top-Level. Backtrace: 0: (PCL::FIND-CLASS-FROM-CELL COMMON-LISP-USER::MY-CLASS NIL T) 1: ("DEFMETHOD MAKE-INSTANCE (SYMBOL)" #<#1=unused-arg> #<#1#> COMMON-LISP-USER::MY-CLASS NIL) 2: ("DEFSLIMEFUN INIT-INSPECTOR") --more-- Am I supposed to do that? In which environment does `slime-inspect' evaluate expressions? Paolo -- Why Lisp? http://alu.cliki.net/RtL%20Highlight%20Film