Sidney Markowitz <sidney@sidney.com> writes:
Zach Beane wrote, On 28/12/08 3:43 PM:
I disagree. I think the default slime setup should have no contribs loaded, not the arbitrary slime-fancy kitchen sink of contribs loaded.
I agree with you. I have just set up the default installation of the slime plugin for Aquamacs to load slime-fancy and some other contrib modules.
You think slime-fancy shouldn't be loaded by default, yet you make it so in your plugin? That doesn't make a lot of sense to me. clbuild loads slime-fancy by default as well, and I've seen that setup being recommended in #lisp and c.l.l before. Clearly, for a lot of users, that is the de facto default. Why not take it a step further?
Even though I like slime-fancy enough to do that, I would not want to confuse people by having the loading of some set of modules hidden in a default value of an optional argument.
I fail to see how that's confusing, really. Particularly if it's documente. That's how default settings work. That's what 'by default' means, IIUC.
This way, whatever we choose for the default installation on slime on Aquamacs will be explicit in the setup-slime call in the initialization file and easily modified by anyone who has different preferences.
You are free to keep an explicit contrib list in your Aquamacs setup. My proposal doesn't harm that freedom at all. -- Luís Oliveira http://student.dei.uc.pt/~lmoliv/