On 1 Jun 2023, at 03:11, Nicholas Papadonis <nick.papadonis.ml@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm transitioning from 'mit-scheme -edit' (edwin) to Slime.  I've installed Slime via MELPA and have the *slime-repl sbcl* up.  I also opened a file C-x C-f 't.lisp' and the buffer shows only 'Lisp adoc'.

Is this correct?

I saw videos where the .lisp buffer showed 'sbcl'.  Also, it appears I can evaluate the t.lisp buffer using C-x C-e with results, however am not sure if this is SBCL, Slime or some other method of evaluation.  

Does anyone know how Slime should behave with respect to a *.lisp buffer and evaluation?


In any buffer, you can type C-h m to see the modes that are active in that buffer, and the main key bindings of those modes.

You should be all set-up and C-x C-e (or C-u C-x C-e) send the expressions to slime interior-lisp process, ie. sbcl in your case.

You could add paredit-mode to help you editing sexps in a more structured way.

__Pascal J. Bourguignon__