5 Mar
5 Mar
10:29 a.m.
Edi Weitz <edi@agharta.de> writes:
One of the last CVS updates somehow managed to break slime-edit-definition for me. Sometimes, if I press M-. to go to a function's definition Emacs hangs completely, CPU load goes up to 100%, C-g doesn't work anymore, and I have to kill both Emacs and the Lisp to continue. Needless to say, this is highly annoying.
This is news to me. Great to have a tricky one to make life interesting before a proposed new release too, I hate it when everything works :-) Please put something like this in your .swank.lisp: (setq swank::*log-output* (open "/tmp/log.txt" :direction :output)) (setq swank:*log-events* t) and then save and post the log file the next time this happens.