2 Oct
2 Oct
10:45 a.m.
BTW: I have this win32 improvement for slime-clisp.lisp #+win32 (defmethod getpid () (or (and (find-package "WIN32") (WIN32:|GetCurrentProcessId|)) (system::getenv "PID") -1)) I posted this on 9/23/04 but it didn't make it through. Now I got reminded. Andras Simon schrieb:
Is there a reason why the pid of the inferior lisp should be asked from the lisp itself? Isn't (process-id (inferior-lisp-proc)) good enough? (Are multiple lisps in the same slime instance or a remotely running lisp the problem?)
I'm asking this both out of curiosity and because Java (and hence abcl) doesn't have a clue about its pid(s), at least AFAIK.
-- Reini Urban http://xarch.tu-graz.ac.at/home/rurban/