2011/4/14 Paulo Madeira acelent@gmail.com:
What do you think about adding a hook to swank::dispatch-event, much alike the mechanism in slime-dispatch-event? The purpose would be to support any set of commands that the contribs add, or even the user, through .swank.lisp or any other means.
Right now, you can't send any command to Emacs that isn't in dispatch-event's destructuring-case.
I've attached a patch implementing this suggestion, please take a look at it.
I don't know if add-hook should be exported too and if a remove-hook should be implemented.
I suggest that we eventually refactor all the contrib's events that are in swank::dispatch-event out into their respective source files, e.g. making functions that return non-nil when they handle an event and add-hook them in the end of the file.
Paulo Madeira