mikel <mikel@evins.net> writes:
Any suggestions where to look to track down the source of the problem?
You can set swank:*log-events* to true to see what was written to the socket. The log output should appear in the *inferior-lisp* buffer. On the Emacs side you can see the log in the *slime-events* buffer. The relevant messages for this problem are :read-string and :emacs-return-string. Emacs sends something like (:emacs-return-string 0 1 "y\n") if you type "y RET". I think that correct. y-or-n-p will eventually call stream-read-char in swank-gray.lisp and (funcall input-fn) in that sends a :read-string message to Emacs. It's also possible that y-or-n-p in OpenMCL is implemented differently as in CMUCL, e.g. by reading character by character and not by reading a line in as in CMUCL. That could be a problem if OpenMCL stops reading after the 'y' and doesn't consume the newline. I think there are also some "read-tests" in the test suite in slime.el. You can run the them with `M-x slime-run-tests'; not sure how useful that is for OpenMCL though. Helmut.