David Neu <david@davidneu.com> writes:
I'd like to be able to set the location of the *.fasl files that are ending up in ~/.slime/fasl/..., preferably from my .emacs.
I tried setting slime-compile-file-options in my .emacs file as follows (eval-after-load "slime" '(progn (setq slime-compile-file-options (append '(:fasl-directory "/tmp/") slime-compile-file-options)) ...)) but that didn't seem to do it.
Then I tried to put the following in my ~/.swank.lisp file (setf swank:*fasl-pathname-function* (lambda (input-file options) (declare (ignore options)) (let* ((str "/tmp/") (dir (filename-to-pathname str))) (assert (char= (aref str (1- (length str))) #\/)) (compile-file-pathname input-file :output-file dir)))) but that didn't seem to do it.
And i really did miss what you wanted. `slime-compile-file-options' affects where fasls will go after doing C-c C-k. And there is no currently easy way to specify where fasls from slime itself are going. -- With best regards, Stas.