Martin Simmons wrote, On 16/1/09 6:27 AM:
Thanks, I've merged this into CVS with minor changes.
Where is the this documentation kept? I couldn't find anything about LispWorks Personal Edition in the SLIME CVS.
There isn't specific mention of LispWorks Personal Edition there. When I searched for how to use SLIME with LispWorks Personal Edition what I found was 1) LispWorks 5.1 online documentation that says that SLIME is not supported by LispWorks Personal Edition; 2) Bill Clementson's blog posts that start around 2004 that described how he got SLIME to work with LispWorks 4.3 Personal Edition by starting up LispWorks, starting up a swank server in it, then connecting emacs to that. In other words, using LispWorks Personal Edition like a remote Lisp, which allows SLIME to work even though the Lisp GUI is running. Bill was using it on a Mac and described using Applescript to automate the start up of LispWorks and initial load of a ~/.lispworks file even though the Personal Edition does not provide a way to automatically load an init file; 3) SLIME documentation about running with a remote Lisp. I guess I should have said that what I gleaned from existing documentation about running SLIME with LispWorks Personal Edition was no longer accurate, as there was no specific documentation for it. The inaccuracies or missing pieces in the current SLIME documentation about running with a remote Lisp, unless I missed some things, are: No explicit mention that the Lisp needs to load swank-loader.lisp then evaluate (swank-loader:init) then (swank:create-server); No explicit mention that all this is done for you if you use asdf to load swank.asd from SLIME's distribution and then call (swank:create-server); No mention that you have to load slime-repl in setup-slime if you want to run with a remote Lisp because you don't see the Lisp's native REPL when you run that way and slime-repl has been moved out to contrib (Is that accurate, or do I just not know how to get a Lisp's REPL when it is run remotely?). And I think that the LispWorks documentation could be updated to say that SLIME runs with the Personal Edition only when configured to connect to it as a remote Lisp, not to make the misleading statement that it is "not supported". While typing this I noticed that the comment in swank.asd still says (swank:create-swank-server) even though the name has been changed to swank:create-server. That should be updated. Sidney Markowitz http://www.sidney.com