Marco Baringer wrote:
i'm thinking about adding a version check when connecting to a swank server to ensure that slime.el and swank.lisp are in-synch. this would remove the, admitedly rare, errors whan the two are out of synch (this can happen when running a local slime against a remote lisp or when swank has be built into the image and isn't reloaded each time the lisp is started). however this would require that everytime a change is commited people must remeber to update the version number. is this worth the overhead?
I have run into errors from this on a few occasions. However a lot of the time the two can be a little bit out of sync and never cause problems... maybe just a warning? More complex idea: Code that compares major version (updated whenever there is a release), and additionally compare cvs version numbers if the cvs folder exists? Is that an easy question to answer with cvs?