Luke Gorrie <luke@bluetail.com> writes:
Which Lisp versions do you use SLIME with?
LispWorks for Linux.
Which Emacs versions?
Emacs 21.2.
How well does SLIME work for you?
Very well.
What bugs (reproducible or otherwise) or missing features annoy you?
It's not a bug, but I find it a bit annoying that default directory that the REPL buffer uses doesn't work more, er, "the way I want". That is, if I'm working on a directory on some files (perhaps evaling functions in a different buffer), and I then say (load "whatever") in the REPL buffer, it doesn't find that file, because the directory hasn't been updated...
Is there some packaging system (e.g. Debian) that you would like to see SLIME 1.0 bundled with? If so, do you know how to coordinate this?
I use Debian, so Slime packaged for Debian would be nice. :-)
If you said anything negative above then please say something nice here to make us feel good:
I program faster with Slime than without. -- (domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.) larsi@gnus.org * Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen