10 Jun
10 Jun
7:39 p.m.
When I do a longish compilation of many files, SLIME's repl thread dies at some randome point (changes all the time) during the compilation. When I go to the *inferior lisp* buffer, it's fine, but the repl buffer is dead. I don't really know where to begin trying to debug this. Working with trunk versions of both SLIME and CCL. Here's my version info: CCL: herald: Welcome to Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.11-dev-r16420M-trunk (LinuxARM32) SLIME: latest commit: commit 1942c53fc40fd6ace0e822b5c9bf551f59061f32 Author: Luís Oliveira <loliveira@common-lisp.net> Date: Mon Jun 1 22:11:38 2015 +0100 Release 2.14 Any help or insights appreciated. Thanks, Mark