OK, here's the contents of the emacs buffer *slime-events* after this happens. Can anyone see anything? (:emacs-rex (swank:connection-info) "COMMON-LISP-USER" t 1) (:return (:ok (:pid 10308 :style :spawn :encoding (:coding-systems ("utf-8-unix" "iso-latin-1-unix")) :lisp-implementation (:type "Clozure Common Lisp" :name "ccl" :version "Version 1.11-dev-r16420M-trunk (LinuxARM32)" :program nil) :machine (:instance "odroid" :type "armv7l" :version "ODROID-XU3") :features (:swank :primary-classes :common-lisp :openmcl :ccl :ccl-1\.2 :ccl-1\.3 :ccl-1\.4 :ccl-1\.5 :ccl-1\.6 :ccl-1\.7 :ccl-1\.8 :ccl-1\.9 :ccl-1\.10 :clozure :clozure-common-lisp :ansi-cl :unix :openmcl-unicode-strings :ipv6 ...) :modules ("XREF" "PREPARE-MCL-ENVIRONMENT" "SOCKETS" "LISPEQU" "CN-ENCODE" "JP-ENCODE" "VERSION" "CCL-EXPORT-SYMS" "LOOP" "MCL-COMPAT" "REMOTE-LISP" "SWANK-LOADER" "DOMINANCE" "CORE-FILES" "LEAKS" "COVER" "SWINK" "DESCRIBE" "EDIT-CALLERS" "ARGLIST" ...) :package (:name "COMMON-LISP-USER" :prompt "CL-USER") :version "2015-06-01")) 1) (:emacs-rex (swank:swank-require '(swank-indentation swank-trace-dialog swank-package-fu swank-presentations swank-fuzzy swank-fancy-inspector swank-c-p-c swank-arglists swank-repl)) "COMMON-LISP-USER" t 2) (:indentation-update (("do-lap-labels" 1 ("ARM")) ("defarmarchmacro" 2 ("ARM")) ("with-stack-short-floats" 1 ("ARM")) ("with-xp-stack-frames" 1 ("CCL")) ("with-nx-declarations" 1 ("CCL")) ("with-toplevel-commands" 1 ("CCL")) ("with-native-utf-16-cstrs" 1 ("CCL")) ("with-arm-local-vinsn-macros" 1 ("CCL")) ("with-standard-abort-handling" 1 ("CCL")) ("with-call-method-context" 1 ("CCL")) ("with-ioblock-output-lock-grabbed" 1 ("CCL")) ("do-consing-areas" 1 ("CCL")) ("in-development-mode" 0 ("CCL")) ("with-cross-compilation-target" 1 ("CCL")) ("defarmlapfunction" 2 ("CCL")) ("with-error-reentry-detection" 0 ("CCL")) ("with-eagain" 2 ("CCL")) ("do-gc-areas" 1 ("CCL")) ("%get-signed-natural" 0 ("CCL")) ("with-exception-lock" 0 ("CCL")) ...)) (:return (:ok ("SWANK-ARGLISTS" "SWANK-FANCY-INSPECTOR" "SWANK-FUZZY" "SWANK-C-P-C" "SWANK-UTIL" "SWANK-PRESENTATIONS" "SWANK-REPL" "SWANK-PACKAGE-FU" "SWANK-TRACE-DIALOG" "SWANK-INDENTATION" "XREF" "PREPARE-MCL-ENVIRONMENT" "SOCKETS" "LISPEQU" "CN-ENCODE" "JP-ENCODE" "VERSION" "CCL-EXPORT-SYMS" "LOOP" "MCL-COMPAT" ...)) 2) (:emacs-rex (swank:init-presentations) "COMMON-LISP-USER" t 3) (:emacs-rex (swank-repl:create-repl nil :coding-system "utf-8-unix") "COMMON-LISP-USER" t 4) (:return (:ok swank::present-repl-results) 3) (:return (:ok ("COMMON-LISP-USER" "CL-USER")) 4) (:indentation-update (("do-lap-labels" (("&whole" 4) "&body") ("ARM")) ("defarmarchmacro" (4 4 "&body") ("ARM")) ("with-stack-short-floats" (4 "&body") ("ARM")) ("with-xp-stack-frames" (("&whole" 4) "&body") ("CCL")) ("with-nx-declarations" (("&whole" 4) "&body") ("CCL")) ("with-toplevel-commands" (4 "&body") ("CCL")) ("with-native-utf-16-cstrs" (4 "&body") ("CCL")) ("with-arm-local-vinsn-macros" (("&whole" 4) "&body") ("CCL")) ("with-standard-abort-handling" (4 "&body") ("CCL")) ("with-call-method-context" (4 "&body") ("CCL")) ("with-ioblock-output-lock-grabbed" (("&whole" 4) "&body") ("CCL")) ("do-consing-areas" (("&whole" 4) "&body") ("CCL")) ("in-development-mode" ("&body") ("CCL")) ("with-cross-compilation-target" (("&whole" 4) "&body") ("CCL")) ("defarmlapfunction" (4 4 "&body") ("CCL")) ("with-error-reentry-detection" ("&body") ("CCL")) ("regspec-crf-gpr-case" (("&whole" 4) nil nil) ("CCL")) ("with-eagain" (4 4 "&body") ("CCL")) ("defenum" (("&whole" 4 "&rest" 1) "&rest" nil) ("CCL")) ("do-gc-areas" (("&whole" 4) "&body") ("CCL")) ...)) (:emacs-rex (swank:autodoc '("load" swank::%cursor-marker%) :print-right-margin 80) "COMMON-LISP-USER" :repl-thread 5) (:return (:ok ("(load file-name &key verbose print if-does-not-exist external-format\n preserve-optimization-settings)" t)) 5) (:emacs-rex (swank-repl:listener-eval "(load \"/home/mhd/lisp/compute-kernel/load\")\n") "COMMON-LISP-USER" :repl-thread 6) (:write-string ";Loading #P\"/home/mhd/lisp/compute-kernel/illogical-pathnames.lisp\"...") (:write-string "\n;Loading #P\"/home/mhd/lisp/compute-kernel/illogical-hosts.lisp\"...") (:write-string "\n;Loading #P\"/home/mhd/lisp/compute-kernel/init-lisp.lisp\"...") (:write-string "\n;Loading #P\"/home/mhd/lisp/compute-kernel/development-environment.lisp\"...") (:write-string "\n;Loading #P\"/home/mhd/lisp/compute-kernel/bootstrap/init-asdf.lisp\"...") (:write-string "\n;Loading #P\"/home/mhd/lisp/compute-kernel/bootstrap/init-quicklisp.lisp\"...") (:write-string "To load \"compute-kernel\":\n Load 1 ASDF system:\n compute-kernel\n") (:write-string "; Loading \"compute-kernel\"\n") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") (:write-string ".") ----- Original message ----- From: Stas Boukarev <stassats@gmail.com> To: "Mark H. David" <mhd@yv.org> Cc: slime-devel@common-lisp.net, openmcl-devel@clozure.com Subject: Re: [Openmcl-devel] SLIME repl-thread dies randomly during compilation on CCL/ARM Linux Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2015 00:49:42 +0300 "Mark H. David" <mhd@yv.org> writes:
When I do a longish compilation of many files, SLIME's repl thread dies at some randome point (changes all the time) during the compilation. When I go to the *inferior lisp* buffer, it's fine, but the repl buffer is dead. I don't really know where to begin trying to debug this. Working with trunk versions of both SLIME and CCL. Here's my version info: You should look in *slime-events*
-- With best regards, Stas.