I have some concerns regarding #'swank:find-definitions-for-emacs, which is documented to "Return a list ((DSPEC LOCATION) ...) of definitions for NAME." MCLIDE uses this functionality for the button on its Apropos dialog that opens the definition for a symbol in the editor. In slime-2009-12-18, #'swank:find-definitions-for-emacs gives a significantly different result depending on the lisp implementation. This leads to compatibility issues and complicates client side use of the result. Evaluate: (swank:find-definitions-for-emacs "swank::find-definitions") Clozure Common Lisp 1.4-r13119 returns: (("#'SWANK-BACKEND:FIND-DEFINITIONS" (:LOCATION (:FILE "/Volumes/ Mirror/Users/Terje/DEV/MCLIDE_DEV/MCLIDE 1.0b1-2/MCLIDE.app/Contents/ Resources/Slime/swank-backend.lisp") (:POSITION 28699) (:SNIPPET "(definterface find-definitions (name) ")))) LispWorks 5.1.0 returns: (("(DEFUN SWANK-BACKEND:FIND-DEFINITIONS)" (:LOCATION (:FILE "/ Volumes/Mirror/Users/Terje/DEV/MCLIDE_DEV/MCLIDE 1.0b1-2/MCLIDE.app/ Contents/Resources/Slime/swank-lispworks.lisp") (:FUNCTION-NAME "FIND- DEFINITIONS") NIL)) ("(DEFUN SWANK-BACKEND:FIND- DEFINITIONS)" (:LOCATION (:FILE "/Volumes/Mirror/Users/Terje/DEV/ MCLIDE_DEV/MCLIDE 1.0b1-2/MCLIDE.app/Contents/Resources/Slime/swank- backend.lisp") (:FUNCTION-NAME "FIND-DEFINITIONS") NIL))) Of particular concern is the DSPEC, which Clozure returns as "#'SWANK- BACKEND:FIND-DEFINITIONS" and LispWorks returns as "(DEFUN SWANK- BACKEND:FIND-DEFINITIONS)". It would be helpful if the DSPEC standardized on the same symbol to denote that the definition is for a function, as in (FUNCTION SWANK-BACKEND:FIND-DEFINITIONS). To facilitate client side use and flexibility in presentation, I also suggest that the DSPEC is returned as a list instead of as a string, with the type as a symbol and the function name encoded as a string, as in (FUNCTION "SWANK-BACKEND:FIND-DEFINITIONS"). -- Terje Norderhaug terje@in-progress.com