Hello, "Attila Lendvai" <attila.lendvai@gmail.com> writes:
So a better fix is:
(defvar slime-scratch-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map lisp-mode-map) map))
without knowing too much about keymaps, minor/major modes and their interactions... (so take it with a piece of salt...) but how about (set-keymap-parent slime-mode-map lisp-mode-map)?
Hmm. Lisp is a major mode, so it sets up lisp-mode-map as a local keymap. Slime is a minor mode, and it can be used with major modes other than Lisp, though that doesn't seem terribly useful. Why should Slime be a keymap hog and absorb lisp-mode-map into slime-mode-map? Especially when in the general case (non-scratch Lisp Slime buffers) lisp-mode-map bindings are already active, so there'll be duplication of bindings, unless you change the local keymap but that seems perverse. The SLIME scratch buffer is a special case, and needs its own local keymap anyway. Since it gets created with a Lisp major mode we can reasonably say that its local keymap should be based on lisp-mode-map. It would also change the order of key lookup; if someone comes up with another minor mode that is supposed, say, to override some Lisp mode keybindings, it could conflict with Slime then.
if that works as expected, then that may be a more general solution.
just a note: in my local copy some time ago i've dropped all those dolist's that directly set the keys in the various slime maps (sldb-mode-map, slime-xref-mode-map, slime-repl-mode-map) and replaced them with set-keymap-parent calls. until now everything works as expected (by me), but it needs more time or someone with more experience with modes and keymaps to commit it.
-- - attila
"- The truth is that I've been too considerate, and so became unintentionally cruel... - I understand. - No, you don't understand! We don't speak the same language!" (Ingmar Bergman - Smultronstället)