29 Jan
29 Jan
8:55 a.m.
Michael Weber <michaelw+slime@foldr.org> writes:
Attached is a patch which defines and implements (for SBCL and CMUCL) a basic profiling interface for SLIME.
Very nice! It's in CVS.
Profiling submenu and following key combos added: C-c p {t,u,f,r,c}
C-c p is by convention reserved for users[*]. We have to find another key. C-c C-p is already taken, perhaps C-c C-o ?
The CMUCL implementation is not tested, since my swank-cmucl.lisp does not compile currently, but it is written according to docs. If somebody with working CMUCL SLIME could have a look, that would be fine :)
The code seems to work in CMUCL. Helmut. [*] http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/elisp-manual/html_node/elisp_709.html