I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I instead I am the one in error.
From the *slime-inspector* window, with the *slime-inspector* as current-buffer when I evaluate the elisp form: (slime-interactive-eval *package*)
the return value is a package descriptor for PKG-A. When inspecting a class instance INSTANCE-I interned in package PKG-A I'm given the option of setting the slot value for SLOT-S of INSTANCE-I. This option is presented as a button "[set value]" in the *slime-inspector*. The elisp command `slime-inspector-operate-on-point' is attached to the button. SLOT-S of INSTANCE-I has neither :reader :writer nor :accessor methods, e.g. its spec is: (slot-s :initarg slot-s :initform nil) When attempting to set SLOT-S of INSTANCE-I from *slime-inspector* to the value of a defvar'd variable PKG-A:VAR-V interned in package PKG-A as VAR-V, I get the warning that: "The variable COMMON-LISP-USER::VAR-V is unbound." If I instead set the slot value to value of PKG-A:VAR-V it works fine. When invoking the "[set value]" action from the *slime-inspector* buffer why does it not recognize that the current package is PKG-A and not COMMON-LISP-USER? I've reported this as a putative bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/slime/+bug/728576 A description of the problem is also pasted here: http://paste.lisp.org/+2KQ5 -- /s_P\