28 Apr
28 Apr
3:44 p.m.
"Steven E. Harris" <seharris@raytheon.com> writes:
Sorry for posting an outdated patch. Moving forward, I'll have to set up a CVS sandbox against the the head for these kinds of proposals.
I'd recommend using the HEAD instead of FAIRLY-STABLE in daily usage since you read the list. HEAD tends to work better overall. Historically we've set FAIRLY-STABLE right before major rewrites that are likely to break things. It meant "FAIRLY-STABLE compared with how it will be for the next few days". Lately we aren't doing much rewriting so the tag isn't getting moved very often. For now I just moved FAIRLY-STABLE from March 8 onto the current code in HEAD so there're a bunch of new goodies (like REPL shortcuts) in there. -Luke