Hi, If I start slime using openmcl 0.14.2-p1 on jaguar (mac os 10.2) I get different behaviours that I can't explain when I evaluate lisp forms fin different ways. I get one behaviour when I type C-x C-e after the form in the *slime-repl* buffer or when I type the form at the prompt and press enter and another behaviour when I type C-x C-e after the form in the *inferior-lisp* buffer. The form in question opens a cocoa-window using a window-controller that is supposed to release the window when the window is closed. The problem is that the window is only released and deallocated when I evaluate the form to open the window from the inferior-lisp buffer by typing C-x C-e, not in the other cases. Could you please give me some hints about the differences in evaluating forms in the various ways I described so that I might get to the bottom of this annoying bug I have. I have torn my hair out for almost a week trying to locate this bug in my code and now I am quite desperate. The bug only manifests itself with very particular combinations of the lisp-code that drives the gui and the nib-file that defines the gui. I am sorry if this is off topic but I don't know how else to proceed. // Anders