I'm getting to the point in the work on my book that I'm starting to think in detail about packaging code for the accompanying CD, etc. I'm planning to use some version of the Lisp In A Box package that Matthew Danish and Mikel Evins have been working on which features SLIME heavily. I'll also be using SLIME as my example of a Lisp development environment, talking about it in the text. So, the question is, what version of SLIME do I use? I've only been loosely paying attention--have there been any changes since 1.0 that I'll want? (I've been running CVS head for pretty much forever). Are there any plans for a 1.1 or 1.0.1 or whatever? Also, is there anything that Franz could do to help us make SLIME better on Allegro? Since they're the ones who started this book project, the accompanying CD will probably contain a version of Allegro for Linux, Windows, and OS X. Are there any features of SLIME that are missing or lame on Allegro compared to other Lisp's? If there's any low-hanging fruit that could be picked off with a bit of cooperation from the folks at Franz maybe I can talk to them about it. FWIW, I'm also planning to provide SBCL for Linux and OS X, OpenMCL for OS X, and perhaps CLISP for all three platforms. (Unless either a Windows port of SBCL or CMUCL shows up in the near future.) So if there any notable SLIME defficiencies on any of those platforms that I should be aware of, feel free to let me know. Finally, are there any major holes in the current SLIME docs? I may be able to help plug them if there are so I can just refer folks to SLIME docs rather than having to explain everything in the book text proper. -Peter -- Peter Seibel peter@javamonkey.com Lisp is the red pill. -- John Fraser, comp.lang.lisp