On Sat, 2006-11-04 at 15:49 +0100, Marco Baringer wrote:
Jeffrey Cunningham <jeffrey@cunningham.net> writes:
The current manual looks like it was generated with makeinfo. Where can I find the source for that?
Is it necessarily desirable to continue using that documentation model? I just put togther documentation for a large set of codes at work using doxygen which, of course, has no Lisp support, but did open my eyes to the possibilities.
personally i believe the things like doxygen, while usefull, should only complement a hand written user manual. using something like sbcl's docstrings.lisp would be cool for the swank configuration variables, but i'd strongly suggest keeping the current model.
I agree. Anything automatically generated from the code is not going to have the right structure to serve as a good online manual. That said, I do think that the documentation should be kept in the same version control regime as the code. Developers with commit privileges must get used to the idea that whenever making a change with user-visible consequences, this document should be updated. My 2 cents.