Helmut Eller <e9626484@stud3.tuwien.ac.at> writes:
David Steuber <david@david-steuber.com> writes:
Is there a way around this one connection limitation? So far, the only thing that worked for me was to run attachtty to get into my app and re-run (swank:create-server 4005) as you said. I don't know how to put this in a shell script which would make it a little better.
It would be very nice to be able to reuse the server connection. How hard would this be? What are the security implications of doing this? It seems that another user on the system can connect to a swank server.
Perhaps you haven't received or read my previous message in this thread. I already mentioned that the DONT-CLOSE argument to SWANK:CREATE-SWANK-SERVER can be used to keep the socket open. See also <http://home.comcast.net/~bc19191/blog/040304.html>
I missed it somehow. Sorry. But thanks for this reply. It is so nice to have a feature request that is already implemented.
The security implication is, that everybody who is able to connect to the swank socket can execute arbitrary in your Lisp.
I figured as much. I know that matters in many installations, but in my case that is not a big issue. Maybe someone who wants it can come up with some sort of authentication mechanism. Thanks again. -- I wouldn't mind the rat race so much if it wasn't for all the damn cats.