"Robert J. Macomber" <slime@rojoma.com> writes:
Well, code I write at the REPL, inasmuch as it assumes anything at all, will be assuming "default values" or "the values I just setf'd" for the printer control things. This is quick throwaway code, not production stuff, or it'd go in a file and use w-s-i-s. Anyway, the point is, these things sometimes -- frequently enough that I got sufficiently annoyed by it to write the patch -- will return a value I'm not interested in but which takes a lot of space to print (this happens pretty often when doing a quick image-manipulation with cl-gd at the repl). It's just a way to keep myself from kicking myself and saying "idiot, you should've returned nil or (values) or something so you wouldn't lose so much visual context".
Let me get this straight: what goes wrong if you set *PRINT-LEVEL*, or *PRINT-LENGTH* appropriately? Btw: for image manipulation stuff setting *PRINT-ARRAY* to NIL will probably do what you want.
2. If this really really must go in, please let us make it *PRESENTATION-PRINT-ALIST* instead, and use a PROGV:
Ok. New version attached.
I'll defer to the public opinion once it makes itself heard. ;-) Cheers, -- Nikodemus Schemer: "Buddha is small, clean, and serious." Lispnik: "Buddha is big, has hairy armpits, and laughs."